Spaghetti, a freelance Set Director, & a collection of Crew, are hired to shoot a day of simple inserts for a new Television Show. The Director is a 'No-show' listed on the call sheet as TBD. They try their best.
a bit of a 'Monkey with a football' situation as the crew
coordinates. Spaghetti is able to fix the shoot & schedule, but
we realize there's a much larger problem to this shows concept &
structure... There doesn't seem to be any concept or structure!
one at the office will answer phone calls from set, so we work
through our shot list & hope for the best.
By Wrap, the
Producers & crew have decided Spaghetti is a semi qualified
Leader , causing our parent Network “The Media Channel' to hatch a
plan to extend his contract.
Spaghetti is called back for a
luncheon with our shows Executive Producer. After an exhilarating
'Car Chases Bike' Stunt sequence in Santa Monica, the two meet &
Spaghetti is duped into reluctantly signing an extension on his
production contract that reads 'for a period of (1) day, or extended
run of show'.
Hopefully Day 2 of shooting should go a little
bit smoother, as we are out on location in Topanga. Spaghetti would
have preferred to shoot simple background plates & handle the
next sequence with CGI, but the Studio is insistent the we use live
Enter 'Bessy' the giant 2 headed 'Loch Ness Monster'
of Topanga Canyon. Things start off well enough, but the animal
handler is a little drunk, & unfortunately Bessy is agitated &
goes on a murderous killing spree where she devours our On Set
With some quick thinking Spaghetti is able to contain
the situation & subdue the beast,
but this upsets a
secretive protective cult of Topanga Yoga Hippies, who pelt our set &
crew with flying objects as they descend from the hills for all out
Spaghetti & crew prepare for a horrible end, but in
the final moments, Spaghetti delivers some acting notes, performance
coaching & stage direction to Bessy, who is convinced
save the crew from the attacking Yoga Hippies.
works out fine for all, & thankfully Bessy even regurgitates our
on set medic, who she decides is unpalatable.
We decide to
wrap & get out of Topanga as soon as possible, but are stopped
along the way by a strange looking naked hippy named 'Equinox' who
claims to be our biggest fan.
Equinox claims to come from 9
years in the future, warning Spaghetti & crew that they must not
sign any contracts, or make the show, as they, & most of the
world, will eventually regret it. It's his mission to 'go back' &
stop Spaghetti from signing the original contract.
Spaghetti &
crew doubt the truth of this supposed 'Time Traveler', deciding he
must be a deranged hallucinating crackhead from a local hippy
Spaghetti promises to quit & suggest Equinox not
worry about the show, & instead make a pile of money betting on
stocks & sporting events.
Equinox had never considered
this possibility & decides it's a great idea, departing to invest
in the stock market. This decision is why we haven't been canceled, &
remain on air.
Spaghetti & crew watch him run off towards
the sparkling backdrop of Tinsel Town.
Written by: Michael Patrick Ford
Evolution Media Group, Pacific

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